A path to healing life challenges

The Emotion Code/Body Code System

Do you ever feel that you are struggling under the weight of something that you can’t quite put your finger on?

Perhaps your life is not turning out how you wanted it to. You may wish that certain events in your past had never occurred. You may even have an uneasy feeling that your present is somehow being held hostage by your past in some vague and indefinable way. People often sense that they have emotional issues, but don’t know how to get past them. The feelings that seem to be in their way are often due to their trapped emotions. They are usually amazed to find out that their emotional baggage often consists of discrete energies that became trapped during emotional events they experienced in their past. They are even more amazed to see how easily these energies can be found and removed and by how different they feel when they are freed from them. In the same way that you cannot see the wind, yet you can feel its effects, trapped emotions are invisible and they can exert powerful forces upon you.

Trapped emotions can affect you physically just as much as they can mentally and emotionally. It is my experience that a significant percentage of physical illnesses, emotional difficulties and self-sabotage are actually impacted by these unseen energies.

Emotional BaggageThe Emotion Code is the simplest, easiest, and fastest method ever devised to find emotional baggage (using muscle testing) and release it, either from yourself or from someone else. Our emotional baggage consists of actual energies, the energies of intense emotional events that we’ve experienced that are still stuck in our physical bodies. These energies can distort the normal energy field of the body, the theory is that these energies can create pain, malfunction, and disease in the body. In addition, these energies (trapped emotions) are the driving force behind PTSD, depression, anxiety, phobias, and all manner of mental illnesses.

The Body Code System takes the Emotion Code protocols to the next level. The Body Code system actually identifies six specific areas where imbalances in the physical body can create health and life challenges. The use of the Body Code provides the practitioner with a “map” into the body using the technique of muscle testing to tap into the sub-conscious mind to determine the underlying contributors to the challenge.

Understanding the Sub-conscious mind.

Subconscious Mind
Our subconscious mind has been likened to the hard drive in a personal computer. Like a computer the subconscious mind will record every belief, thought, word or action that has been recorded through out our life time by our input devices. What we see, hear, taste, speak and feel from the moment of conception until now is recorded on this “hard-drive” within our mind.

Our sub-conscious mind programs itself based on the environment in which we receive the input. This is why it is so important to understand that our culture, religion, family history, social environment and community are so important in understanding how past experiences may be having an impact on our health today.

The language of the sub-conscious mind is similar to a computer. If we want to change old programming we have to rewrite it and then delete the old program. Using muscle testing as a technique to enter the sub-conscious mind the potential to tap into the “programming” to determine if there is a flaw or an update needed is possible. This is exciting.


Benefits of the Body Code

Emotion Code BenefitsThe Body Code is a wonderful tool that can be used to tap into the sub-conscious mind to determine where we are losing energy to something that is no longer serving our highest and greatest good. I always tell my clients, that what is known to the conscious mind can be managed and can be changed.

The greatest benefit of the Body Code is that it can be used to identify underlying contributors/causes to some of the many mental, emotional, physical and spiritual issues that can challenge us in our daily lives. Many imbalances can be released to help regulate the body by understanding the underlying causes and having a mechanism to release them before an issue develops. By creating a state of balance in the body, the natural healing abilities of the body are activated and health can be achieved.

To schedule an Emotion Code / Body Code session, please click here.